
A Consciousness of Affluence

A Consciousness of Affluence

No one is meant to live in lack or limitation. You have a divine birthright to thrive in a journey that is free from struggle and overflowing with abundance through your Consciousness of Affluence. 

July 1st 2024 TCSL kicks off the Consciousness of Affluence Series.  The Series will include 4 Sunday lessons on A Consciousness of Affluence, a 4 Week Class and the Unexpected Income Program and MORE!

Affluence Definition:


  1. abundance of money, property, and other material goods; riches; wealth.

  2. an abundant supply, as of thoughts or words; profusion.

  3. a flowing to or toward; afflux.

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News Letter Continued

TCSL Newsletter Continuation!

We cannot be added to or detracted from by any circumstance. We are the ones who do the believing. We are the ones who change beliefs that cause discomfort by getting a clear view of our correct identity. Our being, as God’s creation, is whole in its essence and unlimited in its self-expression.

Insist on understanding what you need to know to feel good about your unconditioned self. Above all, claim gratitude and love for having the ability to know the Truth, because what you are this instant is the Truth.

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test 1

Gather with like-minded people to celebrate the joy of life in an atmosphere overflowing with unconditional love and support. Feel the energy where all are accepted and valued for who they are. Expand your awareness of the Presence of God through spiritual lessons that are powerful and practical for everyday life, and music that is positive and uplifting to the soul.

Sunday Services

11:00 a.m. – In person* or online

*TCSL follows CDC guidelines to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Wednesday Services

7:00 p.m. – Online

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