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News Letter Continued

TCSL Newsletter Continuation!

Emerson wrote, “Tell me what you talk about all day long and I will tell you what you have and what you are.” The connection of the Law of Cause and Effect is YOU!  Scripture further reflects this Spiritual Law in the passage, “As you sow, so shall you reap.” Another good representation of this Spiritual Law is the Golden Rule, which says that what we give out, we shall receive. All of these examples imply the medium between cause and effect, illustrating that the Perfect Law of the Universe is always in action. And the conduit for the activity of this Spiritual Law is your beliefs you hold within your consciousness.

This Universal Law produces everything we truly believe. You may notice that the word believe contains the word lie at its center. The Law doesn’t consider whether what you may believe is the truth or not. If you believe it and dwell upon it, this Universal Law will produce it for you, even if it is a lie. There are no exceptions. The Law is immutable, mathematically precise and everywhere present!  Recall the wisdom of Dr. Holmes once stated, “It would be wise to remember the words to an old tune: “Accentuate the positive; eliminate the negative.. .and don’t mess with Mr. In-between!”


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Gather with like-minded people to celebrate the joy of life in an atmosphere overflowing with unconditional love and support. Feel the energy where all are accepted and valued for who they are. Expand your awareness of the Presence of God through spiritual lessons that are powerful and practical for everyday life, and music that is positive and uplifting to the soul.

Sunday Services

11:00 a.m. – In person* or online

*TCSL follows CDC guidelines to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Wednesday Services

7:00 p.m. – Online

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