TCSL Newsletter Continuation!

Most people grew up with mental images of what they thought their lives would look like when they got older: where they would live, what their friends would be like, and what kind of person they would be. Some became the person they hoped they would be, and others did not. The point is, whether they did or did not, it is never too late to be the kind of person an individual always wanted to be.

 I cannot speak for individuals who say they have given up, I do not know what they want or expect, but I do know what they are. Like you and me and each person in this earth school of ours, they are unique individualizations of all divine Spirit is and all divine Spirit is continuously becoming. I am certain if individuals who think they have given up took one step back, they would actually see that they have not given up; they are still “in there” doing, wanting, and expecting something. That regardless of what they currently feel their life is, their life is not reflective of all their life may become.

Rather than viewing these individuals as people who are disenfranchised from society, let’s move into the awareness, that even though they may have taken a wrong turn somewhere along the way, at any point in time they may become the people they always wanted to be. After all, my beloveds, our vision is to Expand the Awareness of the Presence of God Within All Individuals— you, me, and every individualization of divine Source, expressing and experiencing life.