TCSL Newsletter Continuation!

Until you realize the wholeness and fullness of your divine potential, life can take on a sense struggle. As you begin to live your journey from the core awareness of your oneness with the Divine, you live the miraculous, magical life. The whole of your triune journey emits an aura of light and energy of Presence. You discover every avenue of your journey is divinely inspired and guided into the magnificent expression it was always intended to be. You no longer live in doubt or fear. Your faith becomes tangible. Cares and worries disappear. Struggle becomes foreign to you. This is the life of an omnipotent Spiritual Being, thriving in an omnipotent spiritual journey. It is the life of divine Spirit, individualizing Itself, in, as and through every avenue of your triune journey,  

It was not that long ago that only saints and prophets appeared to have the opportunity to live this empowered journey. The rest of humanity had to muddle along in ignorance. But now, times are changing. The whole of humanity is experiencing a vibrational transformation. Gradually, individuals are shaking lose the bonds of the physical senses and seeing, hearing and feeling the awareness that they are far more than a mere body and mind. This process of planetary shifting will eventually lead to a life overflowing with women and men of love, peace and wisdom. Individuals will be creating and living their journey as omnipotent spiritual being in unwavering expression.  

The time is at hand for this transformation, The time is at hand for your transformation . . . 

Continued Next Week