TCSL Newsletter Continuation!

There is a Power within me, within my Soul, that is unseen yet comprises all that I am. I feel this Power within me at all times and I know this Power is the creative essence and intelligence of God individualizing Itself as me.

 I always allow the Power of God to guide and direct my way, and because of this, I am aware of and focused on my divine destiny. I am very excited about why I am here on this plane of action because I love doing what I am here to do. As what I am here to do is life this journey freely, encumbered and always creating as individualization of the omnipotence of divine Source.

I am aware there is a Power for Love that is always moving me into my highest good. I understand that everything that happens is the Power of Spirit in action, no matter what the situation may be. I experience my ever expanding good because I choose to do so with endless ease. I to listen to my inner voice, and I move into creative action, following Spirit’s divine guidance to increasing heights of my good.

I know everything that Presence creates by means of me is always good. I always exist perfect health, wealth, success, and loving relationships because I choose to see and create only the good. I see that my every demonstration is the transcending formative energy of Source, manifested in the visible realm.

I a conscious of boundless gratitude I release these words into the formative essence of Mind and know that they are so!

And so it is!