Welcome Home

The Trinity Center for Spiritual Living is a spiritually proactive, culturally inclusive, and mindfully progressive New Thought community rooted in the Science of Mind Philosophy of Dr. Ernest Holmes. People who know themselves to be spiritual, rather than religious, always feel at home at TCSL because we believe in the oneness of life, practice spiritual principle, and honor all paths to Divine Spirit. We offer an abundance of services, classes and events to assist you in the evolution and expansion of your consciousness. So, please join us. You are welcome here.

Upcoming Events


In addition to our in-person services – which follow CDC guidelines to help prevent the spread of COVD-19 – TCSL offers services, classes and events online to support you in remaining inspired and informed.

TCSL Live is simulcast on the TCSL Facebook page. 

A Consciousness of Affluence

No one is meant to live in lack or limitation. You have a divine birthright to thrive in a journey that is free from struggle and overflowing with abundance through your Consciousness of Affluence. 

July 1st 2024 TCSL kicks off the Consciousness of Affluence Series. The series will consist of 4 Consciousness of Affluence Sunday Lessons, a 4 week Consciousness of Affluence Class and the month long Consciousness of Affluence Unexpected Income Program.  For detailed information on each of the Consciousness of Affluence Series check out the information below.



Affluence Definition:

[ af-loo-uhnsor, often, uh-floo- ] 


  1. abundance of money, property, and other material goods; riches; wealth.
  2. an abundant supply, as of thoughts or words; profusion.
  3. a flowing to or toward; afflux.

A Consciousness of Affluence Sunday Series Begins July 7th @ 11:00 A.M.

A Consciousness of Affluence is to be awakened and expanded. It is a state of consciousness to be remembered, not learned or sought after.

The Consciousness of Affluence Sunday Series is based on the books, Conversations with God, by Neale Donald Walsch and Money is God in Action by Dr. Raymond Charles Barker. Each Sunday we will explore the explore the Principles of Abundance and Prosperity outlined in these great works and the practical spiritual practices to demonstrate them in journey. For detailed information on the Sunday lessons for The Consciousness of Affluence, click the highlighted title below.

July 7th The Consciousness of Affluence Part 1

July 14th The Consciousness of Affluence Part 2

July 21st The Consciousness of Affluence Part 3

July 28th The Consciousness of Affluence Part 4

A Consciousness of Affluence Class Begins July 10th @6:30 P.M.

Life is designed to be overflowing with effortless affluence, abundance and prosperity!

Unfortunately, from early childhood to adult life, most the complete opposite. Fortunately, everyone has the ability to un-learn false ideas and implement powerful new ideas.

The Consciousness of Affluence Class is a 4 week class beginning on July 10th @ 6:30.  The class will provide you with fresh ideas and concepts for affluence, abundance and prosperity to embrace for your journey. 

For detailed information for the class click the link below.

A Consciousness of Affluence Unexpected Income Program Begins July 1st

The Consciousness of Affluence Unexpected Income Program attracts unexpected income to the lives of all who participate. The Consciousness of Affluence Unexpected Income Program is a 31 day affirmative prayer program that attracts unexpected income to your journey. For more information click the info box below!

TCSL Mission 

Expanding the Awareness of the Presence of God within All Individuals.



“Our Acts of Humanity Affirm Our Divinity.”

Soul Service

The Trinity Center for Spiritual Living has offered community service projects since its inception. There is always a community service project being offered through the TCSL Soul Service program. To learn about the TCSL Soul Service story and learn about the current Soul Service events select the soul service button below.

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