Services, Classes & Events

Labyrinth of Peace


Apr 04 2021


1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Walk the Labyrinth 

of Peace

Renew Replenish Re-Center

TCSL is honored to present our annual Walk the Labyrinth of Peace event.

Labyrinths are a meditation, relaxation, and spiritual tool that invites a person to walk towards the center with a problem, prayer or idea. Once at the center, the person spends some time in quiet thought, then lets go and makes the journey back out of the labyrinth to reengage with the world with a clearer heart and mind.

  • labyrinths have been around for over 4000 years and can be found in just about every religious tradition
  • like stonehenge, they are geographic forms that define sacred space
  • now, labyrinths are being used for meditation, relaxation, prayer and centering activities
  • when you walk a labyrinth, you move on a patterned pathway
  • the time in the labyrinth can be used for reflection, meditation, prayer or self-discovery

The TCSL Walk the Labyrinth of Peace is being offered on Friday, April 2nd 11:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. and Sunday, April 4th 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. by appointment only.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions the labyrinth experience requires each household/covid bubble to preregister a day and time for their experience. Only one household at time will be allowed to be on the labyrinth during a scheduled 60 minute session. Please be on time for your labyrinth session. Participants arriving late may lose part of their labyrinth experience time to accommodate on-time arriving participants.

To register your day and time please complete the form on the right. You will receive an email confirmation your Labyrinth Experience has been scheduled.

Complete the form below to schedule your Labyrinth Experience

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