
Sound & Light Therapy

The TCSL Crystal Light & Sound Therapy sessions are offered through our TCSL Prayer & Reiki Practitioners, Ministerial staff and a certified Crystal Light & Sound Therapy Technician.

If you would like to reserve a Sound and Light therapy session, please contact the center’s office. The Crystal Light & Sound Therapy bed sessions are offered on an appointment only basis.

Below you may explore the benefits of Sound & Light Therapy in detail.

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TCSL Podcasts

TCSL Podcasts of Sunday Services are offered in myriad of ways. You may lesson to the Sunday Services at your computer, download to your desktop or hear them via one of the services below.


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Sunday Services

The Trinity Center for Spiritual Living offers our Sunday services for you to empower your consciousness, energy you week and as a means for you to stay centered in your spiritual magnificence. TCSL Live broadcasts the TCSL Sunday services in it’s entirety. The service begins at 10:30 A.M. with a powerful meditation. There is a 15 minute break before services begin at 11:00 A.M. 

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Wednesday Services

Enjoy a mid-week centering evening of empowering and leading edge speakers and events! Please visit the TCSL Calendar for the upcoming Wednesday evening speakers and events! 

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365 Days of Richer Living

Daily readings of affirmative prayers and joyful wisdom designed to center you in the loving energy of the Divine!

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Special Events

Enjoy concerts, workshops and empowering spiritual wisdom!

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Abundance Affirmative Prayers

61 Days of Affirmative Prayer for Astonishing Abundance offered through the TCSL Unexpected Income program! Enjoy! 

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Sun. & Wed. Services

Gather with like-minded people to celebrate the joy of life in an atmosphere overflowing with unconditional love and support. Feel the energy where all are accepted and valued for who they are. Expand your awareness of the Presence of God through spiritual lessons that are powerful and practical for everyday life, and music that is positive and uplifting to the soul.

Sunday Services

11:00 a.m. – In person* or online

*TCSL follows CDC guidelines to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Wednesday Services

7:00 p.m. – Online

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Meditation Service

Experience the peacefulness of a contemplative spiritual practice that allows you to slow down, breathe, and be guided through music and meditation to connect with that inner place of pure being. Let this wave of harmony wash away the woulda’s, coulda’s and shoulda’s of your week.

Sunday Meditation

10:30 a.m. – In person* or online.

*TCSL follows CDC guidelines to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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Youth Sunday

TCSL believes that children come to us straight from the Divine, and we recognize that each one shines his or her own unique light brightly into the world. To support youth in becoming the consciousness-expanding adults they came into this world to be, we offer enlightening, age-appropriate Sunday classes that teach the spiritual principles and practical applications of positive spirituality in an environment that is safe, joyful, loving and supportive.

*Due to COVID-19, all Youth Sunday activities are suspended temporarily.*

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