Services, Classes & Events
The Universe is Calling Class
The Universe is Calling
“The call of the Universe, is the call to, take charge of your life, to release your imprisoned splendor.”
The Universe is Calling is an 8 week series discussing how to commune and create with divine Source through the power of spiritual principle and an individuals innate divinity.
The class is designed to unleash the soul’s memory within the participants with Divine Truth and break through the human illusion of fear in our modern society.
Participants will be focused on releasing their tremendous potential to create their destiny through harmonious life enhancing constructive thought.
Required Text: The Universe is Calling
Begins Thurs. Nov. 10th 7:00 P.M.
Fee: $250.00
Register Today!
Participants have the option to pay 1/2 of tuition by 1st night of class with remaining tuition to paid the 4th night of class.
Text may be ordered via Amazon paperback and Kindle Click Here!