Services, Classes & Events
Attaining Success & Abundance 1c


Attaining Success & Abundance
“Take charge of the power and vibration of your thought to create a new journey of abundance and success!
The Attaining Success and Abundance class is an 8 week series discussing the powerful vibration of your positive thought and being.
The class is designed to awaken the soul’s innate abundant and successful nature to thrive abundantly and successfully once and for all in your journey.
Participants will be focused on harnessing the power of their positive thought to create and manifest an abundance of successful experiences.
Required Text: Secret of the Ages
Begins Thurs. Jan. 26th 6:30 P.M.
Fee: $250.00 This series is being offered in person and via Zoom!
Register Today for this Accredited Class Series!
Participants have the option to pay 1/2 of tuition by 1st night of class with remaining tuition to paid the 4th night of class.
Text may be ordered via Amazon paperback and Kindle Click Here!