Services, Classes & Events
Bring Your A-Game

Often individuals struggle with their relationship with God due to the limitations they put on themselves. Join us as we discuss this issue and the 5 As of creating better relationships with yourself, God and others.
Wisdom for Service:
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely seek to find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
Your Hearts Guide for August 25th

Karen Beard, RScP., is a native of Atlanta and a Licensed Practitioner at the Trinity Center for Spiritual Living. After a lifetime of traditional Protestant observance, she was introduced to the Science of Mind (SOM) teaching over 15 years ago. She quickly learned that this had really been her heart’s beliefs for much of her life. She just didn’t know it had a name until that time.
Karen has always been a keen student of comparative philosophies and finds that SOM encourages health expansion of thought and spiritual inquiry. She has served as a member of the Board at TCSL, has been a delegate to the International Meeting of the Church of Religious Science, leads meditations and assists during services. She has spoken at other Spiritual Living Centers, led at TCSL and practices Mindfulness Based Meditation.
Karen loves books, history, all types of music, travel and has an insatiable curiosity about the world, in general. She also believes that you stay younger if you remember to give yourself and others around you permission to play and find things to make you laugh.