Services, Classes & Events

Spiritual Liberation


Feb 01 2024


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm




Spiritual Liberation

“Transform Diversity into Magnifience and Success!”

The Spiritual Liberation class is an 8 week series providing students the practices and techniques to end the feeling of “struggle” in their journey. Additionally the course provides students with the techniques to liberate them from worrying about the perception of others!

Required Text: Life was Never Meant to be a Struggle and Weight Loss for the Mind

Begins Thurs. Jan. 19th     7:00 P.M.

Fee: $250.00

Register Today!

Participants have the option to pay 1/2 of tuition by 1st night of class with remaining tuition to paid the 4th night of class.

The text Life was Never Meant to be a Struggle may be ordered via Amazon paperback and Kindle

The text Weight Loss for the Mind may be ordered via Amazon paperback and Kindle  

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