Services, Classes & Events
Living From Your Inner Power

Living From Infinite Power
Are You Ready to Live Your Life without Limits?
This class is for you! An 8 week series discussing how to live from power of your innate divinity. This class frees the individual of living from childhood conditioning and societal expectations and experience a journey of divine fulfillment.
Participants will discover how to consolidate their inherent divine power and transcend all false limitations by releasing the conditioned restraints constraints of the sub-conscious mind.
Class is being offered in person and on Zoom.
Zoom information will be provided after registration.
Required Text: Infinite Self
Begins Tues. Apr.16th 6:30 P.M.
Fee: $125.00
Register Today!
Participants have the option to pay 1/2 of tuition by 1st night of class with remaining tuition to paid the 4th night of class.
Text may be ordered via Amazon paperback and Kindle Click Here!