Accredited Classes

New Thought Fundamentals

New Thought Fundamentals

The New Thought Fundamentals class series is an exploration of the basics of the Science of Mind teaching. Participants will expand their consciousness with in-depth discussions on their individual divinity, the power of Mind and the Oneness of All of Life!


Class Begins: September 26th at 6:30 P.M.


Class is being offered in person and on Zoom.


Zoom information will be provided after registration.


Required Text: The Science of Mind textbook by Dr. Ernest Holmes. The Science of Mind may be ordered through Amazon here.


Class is being offered in person and on Zoom.


Zoom information will be provided after registration.


Fee: 125.00


Participants may register with the full class tuition or half upfront and the second half by 4th week of class. 

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Accessing the Field of Infinite Possibilities

The Accessing the Field of Infinite Possibilities course focus on developing an appreciation of divine coincidences and their true meaning in an individuals journey.


During this 8 Week class series participants will explore the awesome possibility of achieving the spontaneous fulfillment of their desires.


Text Required: The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire order at Amazon




Begins: September 25th @ 6:30 P.M.


Students will have the option to do all 8 weeks in person or 4 Weeks in person and 4 Weeks via Zoom.


Zoom information will be provided after enrollment.

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Living in the Presence

Living in the Presence


The Living in the Presence class is an 8 week series designed to awaken the creative healing and transformative power of the individual consciousness. 


The class is designed to align participants with the truth of their consciousness, God is, I am. Through discussions and exercises on spiritual principles and practices each student will align with this greater truth of their being.


Required Text: The Art of Spiritual Healing


Begins Thurs.  September 28th,    6:30 P.M.


Fee: $250.00 This series is being offered in person and via Zoom!


Register Today for this Accredited Class Series!


Participants have the option to pay 1/2 of tuition by 1st night of class with remaining tuition to paid the 4th night of class.


Text may be ordered via Amazon paperback and Kindle Click Here

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